Actualité - Meeting
1st Bioimaging joint meeting PKU/PSL-Qlife
July 9th-10th, 2019
Institut Curie
Amphi Curie
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Organizers: J. Salamero, L. Bourdieu, L. Jullien, B. Goud and L. Wurges
Institut Curie
Amphi Curie
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Organizers: J. Salamero, L. Bourdieu, L. Jullien, B. Goud and L. Wurges
Frédéric Labrouche
This symposium brought together researchers both from PKU (Pekin University, China) and PSL- Qlife to discuss their latest work for bioimaging.
The following speakers were there to discuss their work:
- Local Speakers from PSL-Qlife: Laurent Bourdieu (ENS) Alexandra Fragola (ESPCI) Arnaud Gautier (ENS) Bassam Hajj (Institut Curie) Ludovic Jullien (ENS) Daniel Lévy (Institut Curie) Cathie Ventalon (ENS)
Keynote Speakers from PKU: Pr Liangyi Chen (IMM) Pr Heping Cheng (IMM) Pr Yujie Sun (BIOPIC)
It also included two roundtables on the following topics:
Exploring potential collaborative topics (cellular imaging, functional & and structural imaging of tissues, new probes for live matter)
National Infrastructures in Bioimaging
The aim was also to trigger lots of fruitful collaborations between researchers from the PKU and PSL-Qlife. Moreover, a Memorendum Of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between both institutes.