Actualité - Meeting

1st Bioimaging joint meeting PKU/PSL-Qlife

July 9th-10th, 2019

Institut Curie
Amphi Curie
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie

Organizers: J. Salamero, L. Bourdieu, L. Jullien, B. Goud and L. Wurges

This symposium brought together researchers both from PKU (Pekin University, China) and PSL- Qlife to discuss their latest work for bioimaging.

The following speakers were there to discuss their work:

  • Local Speakers from PSL-Qlife: Laurent Bourdieu (ENS) Alexandra Fragola (ESPCI) Arnaud Gautier (ENS) Bassam Hajj (Institut Curie) Ludovic Jullien (ENS) Daniel Lévy (Institut Curie) Cathie Ventalon (ENS)
  • Keynote Speakers from PKU: Pr Liangyi Chen (IMM) Pr Heping Cheng (IMM) Pr Yujie Sun (BIOPIC)

It also included two roundtables on the following topics:

  • Exploring potential collaborative topics (cellular imaging, functional & and structural imaging of tissues, new probes for live matter)

  • National Infrastructures in Bioimaging


The aim was also to trigger lots of fruitful collaborations between researchers from the PKU and PSL-Qlife. Moreover, a Memorendum Of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between both institutes.

PKU / Qlife
PKU / Qlife
PKU / Qlife
PKU / Qlife
Ping Hao, Alain Fuchs and Bruno Goud
PKU / Qlife
Ping Hao and Alain Fuchs
PKU / Qlife
Bruno Goud and Yun Li
PKU / Qlife
Daniel Levy and Laurent Bourdieu
PKU / Qlife
Liangyi Chen, Jean Salamero and Léa Wurges
PKU / Qlife
Qiang Dong, Ping Hao, Alain Fuchs and Bruno Goud
PKU / Qlife
PKU / Qlife
Ping Hao and Alain Fuchs
PKU / Qlife
Ping Hao and Alain Fuchs
PKU / Qlife
PKU / Qlife