Actualité - Winter school

Course - Cell Dynamics In Developmental Systems

March 31st - April 4th, 2025 - École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France
Application deadline: January 19th, 2025

Scientific committee chair: Yohanns BELLAÏCHE, Institut Curie, Paris
Course WS25 CDDS blue

This one week workshop is part of a series of winter schools organized by PSL and its Qlife program in quantitative biology and taught at the Ecole normale supérieure.



Recent technological developments in sequencing, imaging and image analysis have granted access to unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution of gene expression, cell dynamics and morphological features.

The Qlife program in Quantitative Biology of the PSL University organizes a spring school that will cover these emerging approaches through a series of introductory lectures in the mornings, followed by digital workshops in the afternoons, using datasets from Drosophila, ascidians and mammals. The evenings will include keynote speaker seminars and poster presentations by the students.

Dynamic, quantitative analysis of tissue development will be performed through the combination of image analysis (deep-learning based segmentation, cell tracking, registration) with multiscale analysis of forces and modelling. These data will be integrated with the output of single cell and spatial transcriptomic analyses to provide an unprecedented combined view of cell location, morphology,interactions, migration, expression pattern and fate.


Lunches and dinners with the speakers and instructors will foster informal discussions.


Application (deadline January 19th, 2025)


The winter school is limited to 25 participants. It is open to Master 2 and PhD students, as well as postdocs, engineers and junior scientists with backgrounds in life science, chemistry, physics, computer science or mathematics.

Registration fees: 150 € for academic participants. It's covers lunches from Monday to Friday and some dinners.

Basic experience in data handling under Unix/Linux and in Python or R programming is required.

1) Register through the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/zmcfDKmqMt
2) and provide a CV, a 1 page motivation letter and a supporting letter from a supervisor with “Qlife Cell Dynamics School 2025_LASTNAME” as subject header to qlife.events@psl.eu

Additional information is available at: https://www.edu.bio.ens.psl.eu/spip.php?article291


Stein AERTS, Leuven

James BRISCOE, London

Florence CAVALLI, Paris

Alessandro De SIMONE, Geneva

Geneviève DUPONT, Brussels

Emmanuel FAURE, Montpellier


Edouard HANNEZO, Vienna

Vincent LAVILLE, Paris

Nathalie LEHMANN, Paris

Patrick LEMAIRE, Montpellier

Adrien LEROY, Paris

Kate Mc DOLE, Cambridge UK

Lorette NOIRET, Paris

Jean-Yves TINEVEZ, Paris

Pavel TOMANCAK, Dresden/Brno

Hervé TURLIER, Paris

Thierry VOET, Leuven