Course - Neuronal Networks 2020
Application deadline : November 17th, 2019
Ecole Nationale Supérieure (ENS)
46 rue d'Ulm
Organizer : Patrick Charnay

This one week workshop is part of a new series of winter schools organized by PSL and its Qlife program in quantitative biology and taught at the Ecole Normale Supérieure.
It aims at familiarizing participants with the latest concepts and technical developments, as well as current issues and practical know-how, in the recording and analysis of neuronal networks activity, leading to recent discoveries of its function in perception, cognition and behavior.
In addition to lectures from a broad range of experts, participants will be introduced to the know-how through performing a number of numerical workshops.
Hours: 35h (17h lectures + 16h numerical practical workshops + 2h student presentations)
Credits: 3 ECTS
Semester: 2nd semester
Maximum number of students: 24
Application (deadline November 17th, 2019)
The winter school is limited to 24 participants. It is open to M2 students and PhD students, as well as postdocs, engineers and junior scientists with backgrounds in biology, physics, computer science or mathematics. Basic experience in Python and / or Matlab programming is required.
Registration fees: 150 € for academic participants. It covers food and lodging. Some travel grants will be available.
1) Register through the following link:
2) and provide a CV, a motivation letter (including justification for travel grant if requested) and a supporting letter from a supervisor to with “Q-Life Neuronal Network winter school 2020” as object.